Home Business NewsBusiness The top 10 TOUGHEST interview questions REVEALED

The top 10 TOUGHEST interview questions REVEALED

by LLB Editor
29th Mar 16 10:09 am

Want to crack a new job? Prepare to answer the toughest interview questions

So you’re in a job interview with your dry mouth and sweaty palms constantly distracting you.

To add to your misery, the interviewer is hurling all sorts of eccentric questions at you at a time when you have trouble recalling your mother’s name.

After all, how on earth are you supposed to know “how many people born in 2013 were named Gary?” or “how many nappies are purchased per year in the UK?” or “how do you get an elephant in a fridge?”.

Jobs website Glassdoor has some insight to prepare you for the worst. It has just announced its annual report of the Top 10 Toughest Interview Questions for 2016 based on tens of thousands of interview questions shared by UK job candidates over the past year.

Susan Underwood, Glassdoor’s head of global recruiting and talent acquisition, said: “Job candidates at employers across all industries should be ready to answer any question, from the most basic to the most challenging. Employers are asking tough interview questions to test a job candidate’s critical thinking skills, see how they problem solve on the spot, and gauge how they approach difficult situations. Employers want to determine how different candidates respond to challenges, and those who respond well may have the edge when it comes to receiving a job offer.”


Take a look at the top 10 toughest interview questions:

1. “Which magic power would you like to have?” – Topshop Sales Assistant job candidate (Portsmouth, England).

2. “If you were a fruit, what kind would you be and why?” – Topdeck Travel Trip Leader job candidate (London, England).

3. “If you could have dinner with three actors that are no longer living, who would you pick?” – Blackberry Commercial Director job candidate (Berkshire, England).

4.“How many hours would it take to clean every single window in London?” – IBM IT Role job candidate (Portsmouth, England).

5.“How do you get an elephant in a fridge?” – Gemalto Software Engineer job candidate. (London, England).

6. “If the time is quarter past 3, what is the angle measurement on the clock?” – Standard Bank Group Product Control Lead job candidate. (London, England).

7. “If you had three minutes alone in a lift with the CEO, what would you say?” Network Rail Management Accountant job candidate (London, England).

8. “How many people born in 2013 were named Gary?” – BT Senior Proposition Manager job candidate (London, England).

9. “What will you be famous for?” – EY Director job candidate (London, England). 

10. “How many nappies are purchased per year in the UK?” AVIVA Graduate Programme job candidate (London, England).

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