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The latest travel announcement regarding the travel Traffic Light System

by LLB political Reporter
13th May 21 12:45 pm

Today, Inspire Me Travel Ltd commented on the UK government’s latest Traffic Light System travel scheme for overseas travel and travel being made legal again from 17 May 2021. While disappointed in the small number of destinations on the Green, or “safe to travel”, list, they remain hopeful in the new destination on the horizon: The Azores.

Inspire Me Travel Ltd’s CEO, Karen Slater, spoke out, stating, “Not only was the list of Green destinations very short, several which had been predicted to be on there were not. So many European countries have caught up with the UK now when it comes to controlling the virus and rolling out the vaccines. So the announcement is yet another blow to the tourism industry.”

Slater continued: “On a positive note, I feel by the end of June, the green list will have grown substantially. What is needed now is clarity on testing. This is all so vague still, and imperative people know how to access the tests otherwise they will not be allowed to travel. I am astonished there is no mention of vaccines; most of Europe will be allowing tourists into their countries if they are fully vaccinated which will eliminate the need for testing; here in the UK, no mention of that.”

However, the changes in the travel industry have opened up possibilities for new destinations. As the world begins to open up again, the team at Inspire Me Travel are pleased to announce the launch of their latest destination: The Azores. An oasis in the centre of the Atlantic, halfway between Europe and the USA. As it is Portuguese, it is classed on the Green list, which is fantastic news for holiday seekers across the UK.

Inspire Me Travel now has weekly non-stop flights from London, whereas passengers could only access The Azores via Lisbon previously. Out of these nine volcanic islands, one has white sand while the others have black sand, making it a unique holiday destination. It is an immersion into nature where the surroundings will enlighten your soul and your senses. Famous for whale and dolphin watching, the island’s vineyard is also a UNESCO site.

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