Home Business NewsBusiness The FCA ropes in Mr Motivator to help raise awareness for PPI

The FCA ropes in Mr Motivator to help raise awareness for PPI

3rd May 18 8:08 am

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A new study has revealed that Britain’s to-do-lists are jam-packed, as the nation battles to get an unwieldly number of tasks ticked-off each week.

The FCA, which commissioned the research and is encouraging people to put checking whether they’re eligible to claim for PPI on their to-do-list, has subsequently enlisted the help of 90s icon Mr. Motivator and ultra-organised Rachel Riley, to help the public complete those tasks they’ve been putting off. The research revealed that three in five (60 per cent) admit to feeling completely overwhelmed by the volume of tasks they need to complete each week, such as sorting out finances, walking the dog and mowing the lawn. While more than two thirds (67 per cent) feel like they are operating on “autopilot”, meaning that to-do-lists get forgotten.

With so much to do, and almost a third of us (29 per cent) saying we’re simply too busy to do it, it’s clear to see why people struggle to do everything on their list each week. It’s therefore understandable why three-quarters (75 per cent) of the population plan to use the long bank holiday weekend to tick things off their to-do-lists.

Rachel Riley, Countdown’s numbers expert and supporter of the FCA’s PPI campaign, said: 

“Life can often feel overwhelming with the number of things we need to do, so it’s easy to understand why many of us find it difficult to tame those to-do-lists. This is especially true when it comes to tasks that we don’t consider urgent, feel like too much of a hassle or just sound a bit boring, like checking whether you’ve been mis-sold PPI.  

“But tackling our to-do-lists doesn’t have be tortuous and we all know how good it feels to finally tick off that one nagging task that’s been stuck on there for what feels like forever. That’s why I’m supporting the FCA’s PPI Deadline campaign, to give a little bit of help to those who need it to get that satisfying feeling of smashing through their to-do-list this week.”


Rachel’s top five tips for ticking things off your to-do-list:


1.      Plan – Write your to-do-list the night before. You’ll wake up knowing exactly what you need to do.


2.      Prioritise – Tackle your trickiest task first and for the rest of the day you’ll feel like you’ve achieved something. 


3.      Go digital – Hunting around for scraps of paper down the back of the sofa isn’t the way to stay on top of your to-do-list; keep it all in one place, such as on your phone.


4.      Don’t procrastinate – Set yourself a deadline and stick to it!


5.      Reward – Keeping on top of your to-do-list is a tricky business, so when you manage to tick things off make sure you take time to reward yourself for having been so organised!p

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