Home Business NewsBusiness The BIG drop: GCSE results show a significant decline in grades

The BIG drop: GCSE results show a significant decline in grades

25th Aug 16 11:13 am

C grades soar

The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) figures show that 71.3% of girls’ entries were awarded at least a C grade, compared with 62.4% of boys’.

Last year saw 73.1% of entries from girls were awarded a C grade or above, while 64.7% of boys’ entries reached the same level.

In total, just over two-thirds of entries across the UK (66.9%) were awarded A*-C grades, which are deemed by schools to be a “good” pass. This is 2.1% down on last year’s figures. 

Michael Turner, director general of the JCQ, said that this year’s results have created a “very complex national picture”.

He added: “We have seen shifts not only between subjects, but also across qualifications and year groups.

“This is driven by several factors, including performance measures and re-sit policies in England.”

CBI director for people and skills policy, Neil Carberry, said: “The government must concentrate more on career outcomes than grades alone.  Exam results are only a part of the package that set people on the path to success, alongside the wider range of qualities that employers look for, such as resilience, creativity and a positive attitude.  Both parts of this have a common source – great teaching in great schools, so it’s vital we support head teachers in a system where the right behaviours and experiences are just as important as the right grades.”

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