Home Business Insights & Advice TechBerry review: Why it’s a must for forex

TechBerry review: Why it’s a must for forex

by Sarah Dunsby
14th Dec 23 12:33 pm

Regardless of how enormous the financial markets can be in numbers, it should be noted that the FX market is a cut above the rest, standing out as one with considerable value to offer, particularly when looking at the daily trading volume in comparison with other markets. However, what has to be further noted when this landscape is concerned is that one will likely encounter numerous learning curves that will require being dealt with on their part if they are to become successful FX traders, and these will not be easily overcome. There’s a ton of caution or delicateness that has to be applied, rendering the industry hard to interact with.

As with any skill these days and how it can be acquired through carefulness and dedication, training that seeks to attain a certain level of competence with regards to FX, or forex, necessitates patience and dedication too, as well as a blend of an appropriate outlook, so that strategies may be formulated that are creative and can factor in either the macroeconomic or the microeconomic when needed or both at the same time. However, this would be where social trading makes its appearance, as the amount of traction it has been gaining lately is worth noting, resulting in firms like TechBerry launching that incorporate AI, innovating the formula even further. The necessity of these requirements has therefore decreased significantly.

Why is TechBerry so distinct

Underneath the very foundations that comprise TechBerry, one will come across this rather inventive approach to AI, FX, and social trading. This is particularly noticeable when one notes the consistency used within the sort of market insights one will encounter here. Leaping way beyond the analyses that are conventionally undertaken, TechBerry has gathered knowledge that comprises the experiences of over 100,000 trading accounts, not to mention that all of them belong to those seasoned within the sector, which allows for the effective gauging of market sentiments.

Furthermore, because of the ways in which TechBerry has integrated a variety of deep learning algorithms, entire volumes of data can be evaluated, which, in turn, can further help with the discovery of the most opportune trading moments. Additionally, TechBerry has even brought its own software, called Expert Advisor, to the table, which is simply another way for novices to benefit and not just the seasoned. Through this software, one simply shares the trading data they own with TechBerry whenever they’re trading on those MT4 or MT5 platforms.

Then what also warrants mentioning is that TechBerry has been officially operating since way back in 2015, more than 8 years now, which serves as an indicator of its reliability as it managed to survive in the fairly competitive sector that FX generally is, all while providing its users with that trademark 11.2% in monthly return rates on their investments.

Individuals who TechBerry directly benefits

TechBerry has managed to establish itself as one of the leading FX platforms out there, where it boosts revenue or financial gains for several groups or individuals, including investors. Outlined below are just some of these groups.


All that investors need to do should they wish to have that profitability rate that TechBerry provides in their hands is to just deposit their assets on the platform after they have registered. Following that, they only have to watch and see that the funds that they invested with TechBerry are being used by it to gradually raise their initial worth. All this is made possible due to the automation that TechBerry brings, which reduces any requirements for having to constantly keep track of how one’s investments are performing. And added to that, there is an additional insurance layer that can safeguard one’s investments in the event of a market downturn.


For those who are more interested in the sector’s trading elements, TechBerry has something in store for them, which will do away with much of the hurdles in their path, improving performance for both casuals and experts alike. Through deep learning algorithms, returns may be raised, enabling users to gain from the ever-increasing knowledge of traders.

Financial institutions

As for firms that wish to acquire a consistent degree of profitability from the investments they make or whether they seek additional insights into the market related to FX, then TechBerry can be a platform that is enough to handle their needs. Therefore, financial institutions will find the level of intricacy regarding historical insights here quite welcoming.

Muslim investors

For Muslims, the moment they embark on TechBerry, they will quickly notice that the platform doesn’t contradict or go against the core values that they hold dear, so they can feel free in their utilisation of its services without noticing any hurdles of the sort, i.e., ones that do not comply with the Sharia.

Besides this, what also warrants mentioning is that the platform has been audited by some of the most esteemed firms, such as MyFxBook, FX Blue, and more.

TechBerry Vs. competitors

AvaTrade, which is one of TechBerry’s big competitors, has offered several resources to its users in the form of tools, platforms, etc. The popularity it exhibits is visible throughout the globe, but its shortcomings, especially in comparison to TechBerry, can be visible too. For instance, AvaTrade doesn’t provide its users with consistent returns, and then there is also how TechBerry simply rewards even the sharing of basic information, which, again, one can’t find anywhere on AvaTrade.

eToro, which is another one of TechBerry’s competitors, offers both individual trading and copy trading, even allowing for several investments to undergo simulation, all through various products like cryptocurrencies, stocks, etc. However, with TechBerry, trades aren’t just duplicated; they’re subject to a certain degree of competence that is then allocated towards offering trading strategies users may appreciate.

TechBerry’s Bitcoin ETF alternative

ETFs based on the Bitcoin cryptocurrency (BTC) serve as assets mirroring BTC’s value and can be traded on conventional market exchanges instead of cryptocurrency ones. Such instruments can support investment within the cryptocurrency without any involvement from cryptocurrency exchanges, and leverage on its price is also possible. The rising prevalence of such ETFs can also be due to cryptocurrency’s growing reach.

The ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF (BITO) can be a notable example, exchangeable on the NYSE Arca. This rapid increase in popularity has also presented an opportunity to be had within TechBerry’s services, as it has positioned itself as one of the viable alternatives to standard Bitcoin ETFs, offering accessible avenues to anyone. Hence, clients at TechBerry can have the flexibility of choosing from several membership plans based on BTC, with seamless withdrawals as well as deposits with exchange rates determined amidst transactional execution. As for the payment methods, these include credit cards and bank wires, altogether making this an impactful endeavor for investors to undertake.

TechBerry: The future of forex is here

Due to the innovation TechBerry has to offer in its pursuit of FX trading, the platform has swiftly ascended and become one of the industry’s leading forces. This sheer success is also due to how consistent its offerings have been, especially when considering that 11.2% monthly return rate, and that too within a sector as risky as FX, where millions can be lost in the blink of an eye.


The above information does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation by London Loves Business and is not intended to be relied upon by users in making (or refraining from making) any finance decisions. Appropriate independent advice should be obtained before making any such decision. London Loves Business bears no responsibility for any gains or losses.

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