Home Business Insights & Advice Strongest finance generic top-level domains: Introducing .BOND

Strongest finance generic top-level domains: Introducing .BOND

by Sponsored Content
10th Jan 20 10:28 am

Operating a financial business online began to change when the new generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) for the money market were released a few years ago. The financial services sector was quick to see the opportunity. Highlighting your specialty and catering to a target market has never been easier or more convenient with domain extensions like .FINANCE, .MONEY, .LOAN, or the newest member of the family—.BOND. Today, there are a variety of finance-related domains to choose from, and we want to introduce you to the most valuable ones.

Domain reputation matters

Your domain is the heart of your website address, which marks your piece of real estate on the Internet. Your online reputation is essential for a successful future. The availability of hundreds of new industry-specific domain extensions makes it easy to highlight your affiliation online. New domain extensions are helping businesses worldwide to create a unique space online. However, the introduction of new industry-specific TLDs requires fresh thought for consumers, specifically how they will search online and identify their destination. It also means that companies will have to give more attention to how they position and present their brands to consumers. You can choose your domain name along with a relevant domain extension to sum up your company’s online representation.

It has never been easier to find the right domain name for your business; it’s not surprising that the financial industry quickly embraced new gTLDs, which are proving to have lots of advantages. The domain extensions can help create a trusted brand image online while leveraging the power of a well-known name. Furthermore, financial gTLDs allow companies to use a keyword-rich domain to enhance their standing in the relevant search results.

Another big advantage of a sectoral domain name is email marketing. Nowadays in the business world, we mainly communicate via email, and a free email address, even when provided by a trustworthy and commonplace company like Yahoo or Gmail, doesn’t look very professional. Potential customers and clients often make decisions based on small digital cues. Your choice of a domain name and reputable-sounding email address protects your brand in the long run and communicates security as well as authority. Registering a customized, more descriptive domain name also means you can showcase a professional image when sending emails that lead to higher trust on the part of both current and prospective customers.

Domain extensions for the financial sector

Now is the time if you’re looking for a financial sounding domain name for your company or a specific service, but all the classic .COMs seem to already be taken. Of course, you can also register a popular .BIZ, .NET, or .CO domain, but why would you pass on the chance to snatch up a  domain name that is more directly branded to your financial business or profession? Whether you specialize in mortgages, insurance, or investments, financial awareness is the backbone of your business, and gaining recognition online for your products or the services you offer is imperative for success. There’s no shortage of results if you search for terms like investment services, funds, or money management. Luckily, some of the most specialized website domain extensions can be found in the financial services field. A financial domain extension allows you to create a memorable and relevant domain name for your company. It has the power to connect clients with the experts they are looking for and can reach the right target group.

Specialized, money-related extensions can help your business get found and can increase your branding directness. But before you can grab your clients’ attention with a specialized website address, you have to decide which gTLD fits your needs. Consider exploring industry-specific extensions that capture the industry you work in. Compared to well-established domains such as .ORG or .NET, each new gTLD speaks more directly to consumers to showcase your specific offerings while helping to create an online business strategy and build trusted communities.

Let’s take a look at the most-trusted financial domain extensions in detail, starting with .BOND, which is the newest and likely most interesting addition to this sector of gTLDs.


.BOND is finally available for registration, which opens the door to endless possibilities for websites related to finance and money lending. Traditionally, a bond is a loan made by an investor to a borrower and, therefore, the .BOND domain is ideal for the financial world. It can help you strongly reinforce your online brand. But .BOND can be used for much more than just the financial sector. You can highlight a special bond you have with someone, promote a company that specializes in bonding techniques, or cater to all James Bond fans out there. Since the extension is a new one, the time to register your domain name, with one of the few accredited registrars like 101domain that are allowed to offer the gTLD, is now.


The .BANK domain extension was created as a more trusted and secure online destination for banks and their clients. JP Morgan Chase and Co. or the Barclays Bank are excellent examples of businesses that changed their website addresses to reflect a new trend in the online financial sector. Although banks typically are more secure than other industries, this does not make them immune to cyberattacks. Banks can reinforce their online presence with secure extensions such as .BANK or .CREDITUNION.

Please note that financial businesses that are looking to purchase a .BANK domain name must meet enhanced security requirements and be a member of the global banking community.


The .ACCOUNTANT domain is the dedicated space for online accounting resources and can help with getting viewed as a legitimate business online. At the same time, the .PARTNER domain name extension could be used to provide specific news about partners in the financial agency. Nevertheless, both present your company in a professional light while staying ahead of the competition.


The gTLD .INVESTMENTS doesn’t just explain the purpose of your website to the user before the first visit; it also gives you the chance to shorten a domain name by a few letters. Instead of choosing YourBusinessInvestments.COM you can register YourBusiness.INVESTMENTS and use a keyword in your domain name at the same time.


Seeing .FINANCE or .FINANCIAL at the end of a website address is just like seeing “MBA” on a business card next to a person’s name. We trust titles and labels because it boosts our confidence in the title-holder’s know-how even before entering a website. It is an exclusive option for a website that produces content related to the financial market and is also a great way to upgrade an existing domain name ending in .COM or similar.


You’re not going to “take a risk” with a .VENTURE or a .FUND domain extension. They are  tailored for professionals who deal with private equity, hedge, investments, real estate, and mutual funds. A .FUND or .VENTURE website address guides potential customers to find portfolio managers, treasurers, or charities.


The name says it all. Both the .CAPITAL and the .MONEY domains are self-explanatory. If you work with money in any way, these domain extensions can show potential customers what you’ve got to offer. Branding is important, but it is vital in the financial sector because decisions and transactions have a big impact. Businesses need to project the right image, one that is both contemporary and professional. Your brand identity is one of the most powerful weapons in your arsenal.


If you do business as a trader or broker in the financial market, it might be tough for people searching for the products or services you offer to find your website. .TRADE is the right domain extension to make clear what you can do for your audience.


Whether you aim to attract new clients or keep existing ones, .MARKET domains provide a compelling opportunity for financial professionals to make a unique statement. But the gTLD also offers opportunities apart of finance. Just think outside the box and register names like travel.MARKET. Many have been quick to see this opportunity and there is plenty of room for creativity.


A loan means receiving money upfront on the promise of future repayment of the initial amount plus interest, while a mortgage is a long-term loan that uses real estate as collateral and is commonly used for buying a home. Loan and mortgage-related domain names make it clear to everyone that the website has something to do with lending money. Lending institutions can accentuate the type of services they provide by utilizing this type of domain extension.

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