Almost two thirds of Brits (60%) are ‘speaking their goals into existence’ this year, according to new research. The study, compiled by online printing specialists instantprint, asked Brits about their views on manifestation, the principle of attracting success in various areas of life through belief, visualisation and positive affirmations.
The data showed that one in ten (10%) strongly believe in manifesting their goals into reality, whilst almost a quarter (24%) say they ‘somewhat’ believe in the practice’ owing to their belief that both positivity and confidence attract success.
The practice of manifestation has been a viral sensation on social media for the past few years, and the hashtag #Manifestation currently has 13.3B views on TikTok, with #manifestationtips also boasting 98.3M views.
Twitter recently launched their “Tweet it into existence”1 campaign, creating billboards of celebrities “tweeting their goals into existence” years before actually achieving them.
However, some Brits are more sceptical, as 16% feel that their ability to achieve their goals is not relating to manifesting or the laws of attraction at all.
When asked about their experience with manifesting, nearly one in five (19%) Brits said that they have been practicing manifestation to achieve their personal goals, while a further one in eight (12%) have used the principles of the law of attraction to achieve career-related aspirations.
According to the data, men are bigger believers in the power of manifesting, as 11% say they strongly rely on the technique, compared to 9% of their female counterparts.
Over one in five men (22%) admitted they have used the power of the law of attraction to bring them closer to their personal goals, and one in six (15%) to help them with professional objectives, compared to 18% and 9% of women respectively.
Explaining more about how the technique works, Manifestation Coach, Chanelle Fry said, “Manifestation is the process of turning your desires and goals into reality. It works by using the ‘Law of Attraction’. which states that thoughts become things; because what we think about and focus on becomes real life.
“The Law of Attraction says that everything in this Universe has a different vibration, and to magnetise the things we want we need to raise our own energy to vibrate at the same level, because ‘like attracts like’.
“Most people know that setting goals is important, however, so often we set these goals at such a surface level that there’s no real connection to those things. The key difference with manifestation is that we explore those goals at a far deeper level, leading us to understand why we desire them. Ultimately, t’s a self-discovery and self-improvement journey in the process.”
But what are Brits aiming to attract this year?
Health and fitness were voted as the most popular goals for 2022, with almost one in five (19%) stating they will manifest getting themselves into shape or getting fitter over the coming year.
The data suggests that enhancing our careers is high on the agenda for UK employees this year, as 18% of UK adults will manifest a salary raise in 2022.
After two years of travel limitations, we’re ready to get back out and see the world – one in eight (12%) of Brits are manifesting that they’ll travel more this year.
Getting a promotion (12%), buying a house or flat (12%) and achieving a dream job (12%) were also voted top priorities.
Explaining the science behind manifestation, Liz Ritche, Integrative Psychotherapist at St Andrew’s Healthcare said, “Visualising goals can help your brain to recognise the resources it will need to help you succeed in reaching your goals. Through visualisation, we can imagine ourselves doing and achieving exactly what we want.
“The thought of our goal will stimulate the neuro pathway, that will help us to connect to our nervous system, which in turn will connect us to the feelings that are associated with the desired goal.
“It is the mental pictures that we see in our minds eye that leads to the feelings that we ultimately experience and can create the motivation we need to achieve what we want in our lives and how to make them happen.”
The survey revealed that 8% of UK adults haven’t tried manifesting before, but said that they would be interested in doing so.
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