Home Business Insights & Advice Some unexpected benefits of bicycle commuting for college students

Some unexpected benefits of bicycle commuting for college students

by Sponsored Content
23rd Dec 19 1:13 pm

Learning in college can be both fun and extremely overwhelming. It’s a rare student who is completely satisfied with the rhythm of their college life. Tons of assignments, urgent projects, picky professors, and inability to catch up on sleep are not conducive to a positive mindset, physical and spiritual wellness. Even now that you’ve finished your APA research paper outline, you cannot take your mind off that coursework project that needs to be completed within a week. No wonder you can’t make time for yourself and do something that may help you relax and fill your life with more pleasant emotions and impressions.

Much has been said about the benefits of fitness and sports for students. You probably know that moderate physical activity can relieve stress and boost your immunity. Exercising is also an excellent way to burn calories and maximize productivity. Exactly what you need in college! Unfortunately, regular workouts are a luxury for most students overburdened with homework, part-time jobs, classes, and exams. Not all learners can spare enough time for training and afford gym membership. Still, there’s one effective way to solve the problem. We suggest that you take a closer look at bicycle commuting, which can help you get an early morning workout, the one you couldn’t afford. Cycling to college also can strengthen and tone your muscles, normalize metabolism, burn fat, boost the levels of oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin levels. Moreover, biking is a great preventative measure against depressions, mood swings, chronic fatigue, anxiety, and all sorts of mental disorders. So, blow the dust of two-wheeled machine and get ready to reap the benefits of biking!

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Biking for nature conservation

Lots of students realize the importance of going green but at the same time continue using their cars and motorbikes for commuting purposes. If you want to keep fit and save our planet, it’s about time you considered biking as a mode of transportation. Opt for biking today. Don’t hesitate to make this impactful decision that will contribute to your health, drastically reduce gas emission and environmental pollution. Experts note that if you and cycle your 18-mile daily commute, you’ll be able to save about two tones in greenhouse emissions per year. Isn’t that a good enough reason to start riding your bike to college?

Biking for exercise

If signing up for a gym membership isn’t an option for you set your sights on cycling. Though it may seem that bike commute isn’t physically demanding at all, you’re deeply mistaken. According to the study conducted by Harvard University, a 30-minute session of biking at a moderate speed can help your burn about 300 calories, while a faster rate of 14 to 15.9 miles per hour will allow you to get rid of more than 370 calories.

Nevertheless, maintaining a healthy weight is not the only reason why you should try bicycle commuting. As any form of physical exercise, cycling can help combat mental illnesses and lift your mood. Exercising prompts our brain to release more endorphins, the hormones that induce persistent improvements in our cognitive functions. Thus, cycling to college can be as effective as traditional brainstorming techniques that help you generate ideas for your research papers and projects. Moreover, students that bike on a regular basis enjoy improved executive functions, including cognitive flexibility, decision-making, problem-solving, and long-term retention of information. As you know, these functions are critical for students.

Cycling help you be more productive and creative

People that spend much time biking in the fresh air are less prone to mood swings and depressions. Moreover, sunshine and natural daylight act as workable mood stabilizers and antidepressants. They prevent your serotonins from dropping and thus don’t let you feel demoralized, worn-out, and listless. Seasonal affective disorders that are often responsible for decreased productivity and low academic achievements also can be combated once you try your hand at gardening.

So, if you want to become a more efficient learner and start earning better grades in college, you should definitely opt for bicycle commuting Doing so will help you calm down the restlessness of your mind and focus on your studies.


College life is challenging. But it also can be fun and interesting. Why not spice it up with biking? In our today’s article we’ve outlined only some of the benefits of bike commuting, and there’re plenty more for you to discover. You’ll see that the bicycle isn’t only a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation, but also a physically and spiritually rewarding activity that can make you a happier, healthier, and a more efficient learner.

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