Home Business Insights & Advice Six reasons why you should hire a motivational speaker for your next conference

Six reasons why you should hire a motivational speaker for your next conference

by Sarah Dunsby
3rd Aug 18 7:58 am

More and more corporate event planners are investing in motivational speakers to help with their conference strategy. Many business leaders still see motivational speaking as an optional extra – but there are several reasons why motivational speakers contribute more than just entertainment.

Create essential energy and inspiration

If seminars and exhibitions are the building blocks of a great conference, energy and inspiration are the glue that holds them together.

One reason why business conventions are still thriving in the digital age is that businesses benefit from human connection. A motivational speaker deals in this connection, inspiring innovation and vital entrepreneurial spirit.

Influential leaders in your industry will attend many conferences just like yours – and without energy, it’s difficult to create a memorable event that businesses want to return to.

Introduce a fresh face

Mark Twain described an expert as ‘an ordinary fellow from another town.’ While motivational speaking is itself an expertise, the principle of adding value by introducing new voices should not be underestimated.

Because corporate executives are familiar with their industry sector, many attendees will be acquainted before the event. This is great for networking, but it can bring some stagnancy.

To hold interest with the most important guests, introduce fresh topics and faces. A motivational talk is often more interesting than a presentation from a colleague or competitor, and introducing personal interest topics makes everyone feel great.

Promote deals and investment

Survey research showed the conference and meetings industry generated an estimated £19.4 billion of direct expenditure in 2016. This is big money – and trends show the value is increasing year on year.

Selecting a positivity professional to deliver your keynote speech can help you to harness this potential by striking up the mood for investment. After all, it’s not often high profile decision makers are brought together in one room. If networking and deals are important goals for your event, investing in the right speaker should be a core priority.

Choose an action-oriented speaker with the ability to fine-tune their work to your event goals, adding to client and guest satisfaction.

Add face value

Motivational speakers can be a tasteful addition to seminars and workshops, or the event’s centrepiece. Guest speakers with an established public profile can also be great marketing assets, attaching gravitas with the simple announcement of their presence – weeks or months before the big day.

Make brands memorable

One reason motivational speeches can be preferable to other types of industry talk is their ability to connect with an audience on a deeper level. Motivational speakers can be hired to give talks related to specific tech, innovation or the latest industry news.

Most business leaders will know the facts and figures – but professionals can communicate messages engagingly, and with lasting effects.

Motivational stories and personal touches can drive results for brands – making exhibitions likely to return next year.

Invest in ideas

Inspirational speakers are not only able to refresh your business outlook – they’re often field experts in their own right. Choose a keynote speaker with an entrepreneurial history, or a wealth of knowledge on economics, and your guests will be suitably educated.

Fresh ideas are central to any good conference, meaning guests and businesses will feel you are investing in their knowledge and growth.

Motivational speakers are unique, in that you won’t find their messages in a training manual – they trade in unorthodox perspectives, designed to delve deeper and sharpen corporate understanding.

The best motivational speakers understand team psychology – a workplace currency like no other. There are notable success stories, like motivational speaker Steve Peters, who famously transformed his skills in sport psychiatry to get inside the minds of corporate teams, and inspire them to compete more effectively together.

Choosing a speaker

There are many ways to make a motivational speaker line up with your goals – whether your priority is a famous face or a professional able to inject excitement. Internal keynote speakers are always an option, but the quality of delivery a professional can achieve will often be higher. You should select a speaker who can match the tone and purpose of your event, while also offering a human connection that goes beyond the business. An event ending with roused and inspired guests will shape the legacy of your conference for years to come.

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