Home Business Insights & Advice Six important features to consider while choosing a donation software

Six important features to consider while choosing a donation software

by Sponsored Content
6th Sep 19 6:07 pm

Are you planning to integrate a donation form on your nonprofit website or website in general?

Well, you require an online donation software with multiple features. But, what are the characteristics that every nonprofit must include in the list before selecting a donation suite?

Embedding on your website: The donation plugin you are using must encompass the feature to embed the donation form on any website page. You require the form most commonly in the website footer, which can be done using the HTML widget code. However, you need different donation forms if you are running individual campaigns for specific events. So, before selecting the donation plugin, you should ensure the embedded feature is supported.

Complete design customisation: The front end of your donation form should have endless customization feature. The customisation is necessary to apply your business theme onto the donation form and make it more realistic for the donors. There should be easy customisation available for colors, logo, font and overall branding. There are many third-party applications which restrict you in the form design, building an awkward web design.

Accept maximum payment modes: When you are integrating the donation software on your website, it must have different payment modes. The more options it offers, the better will be your donation platform. When you are paying for a donation plugin, make sure maximum payment modes are available; else it’s worthless to invest. Make sure it supports multiple currencies, accepts majority of credit cards and debit cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay and PayPal.

Dashboard (CRM): With every donation, you receive on your website, must be stored in the database, along with other details, including total contribution, donor information, etc. This back end donation management system will help you get clear details required in the future. The software should also give the filter options using date, month, or year to find the details of a particular time duration.

Email integration: With each donation a donor makes, he/she must receive a donation confirmation mail. Integration with email service providers like mailchimp will help you to engage with your donors better. You can send updates about your work and also ask for more donations in future.

Third-Party Software Integration: Sometimes, you either need to integrate a third-party app with the donation platform or you want to distribute the gifts based on the donation made. In either case, you need some additional features in your donation platform. Hence you should check whether the option is available in the software or not. You should prefer the software which can serve your needs and make third party apps integration easy.

So, these are the six essential features that must be included in the donation platform you are paying for. However, when you start your search, there will be many results. Hence you should devote some time in research and find the right software for your website.

If you’re looking to text to give tithes to the church without attending, there are dedicated software and apps that are quite simple to set up and use.

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