Home Business NewsBusiness Sir Richard Branson’s home on Necker Island destroyed by hurricane Irma

Sir Richard Branson’s home on Necker Island destroyed by hurricane Irma

7th Sep 17 4:29 pm

Here’s what happened

Sir Richard Branson’s home has been completely destroyed by hurricane Irma however, he his staff and family are safe and well.

They took cover in his concrete wine cellar, as the most powerful hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic Ocean hit Necker island on Wednesday.

Sam Branson, Sir Richard’s son wrote on Instagram that he, the staff and his father are all ok.

He wrote: “No cell, power of wifi coverage in VG [The British Virgin Islands], adding that the island’s’ capital Road Town is ‘flooded with many roofs ripped off.”

“Branson [Sir Richard] is ok on Necker, but lots of damage to the island.”

Cane Garden Bay on Tortola island, he added, is ‘80 per cent destroyed’.   

Writing about the Islander’s Sam Branson said: “Glad to say that all humans on Necker are ok. Sad to say that most of the buildings have been destroyed and main house is uninhabitable.

“Making me very concerned for our friends and everyone on the neighbouring islands and people in its path. 

“Please don’t take this hurricane lightly if it is heading your way. If your building is not very solid, do find somewhere safe! Homes can be rebuilt but lives can’t. Nature warning us again of the impact of #climatechange.

“We must all do more to combat this.”

Sir Richard who decided to stay at his home and rough out the hurricane, said on his blog Wednesday: “We are expecting to get the full force of the hurricane in around five hours’ time, when we will retreat to a concrete wine cellar under the Great House. 

“Knowing our wonderful team as I do, I suspect there will be little wine left in the cellar when we all emerge.”

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