Home Business NewsBusiness Should Google track consumer purchase behaviour?

Should Google track consumer purchase behaviour?

26th May 17 1:27 pm

What’s your thoughts?

Richard Dennys, CEO, Webgains, an affiliate marketing network has given his response that Google is planning to track consumer behaviour.

Dennys said: “The news that Google is planning to track purchase behaviour is exciting for advertisers and marketers. Mapping the buyer journey from the online world to the physical world is the ‘holy grail’ of advertising/marketing communications. It allows brands to become even more granular and targeted with their products and services. However, whether this level of granularity into personal data and purchasing behaviour will be greeted by consumers with as much glee is still unclear.”

“The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Learning (ML) is becoming more prevalent in all walks of life, with businesses exploiting it to reap tangible benefits. However, we’re not at the T1000 stage just yet, for the moment AI and ML is being designed to offer consumers a shortcut to get what they want, and crucially what they need, at the right price.”

“AI’s self-learning capabilities will empower businesses to make sense of huge data volumes – offering real transformation of their service offering. It will introduce streamline process driven tasks, minimise employee workload and dramatically improve first-line customer service.”

“But be careful not to believe the scaremongering around the use of AI or ML – most large tech powerhouses (Google, Apple, Microsoft etc) already have access to purchase history collected through applications like Google Wallet and Android / Apple pay. If you are concerned, then chances are you aren’t in control of your data, but that is a different problem.”

“Whilst Google’s latest venture is just in the USA for now, it’s inevitable that we will see this in the UK, irrespective of GDPR. No doubt we’ll also soon see similar data mining and the use of AI/ML from the big social networks and mobile OS companies.”

“It’ll be at this point that the major corporations will probably start to follow and soon everyone will be clamouring to enter the AI space. This will present a new challenge for businesses as they race to upskill and train their staff. But proceed with caution – it is important to remember that the technology is only as good as the people behind it!”

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