Home Business NewsBusiness Shoppers working harder to get complaints resolved

Shoppers working harder to get complaints resolved

23rd Jan 17 10:46 am

How is your shopping experience?

Experts have said shoppers are having to work harder to get complaints resolved.

A study by the Institute of Customer Service said that although businesses are improving, half of people had to complain more than twice to get an issue resolved.

The institute also stated that a lack of empathy maybe the cause when people raise complaints through the web.

Campaigners have said staff training would help with customer complaints.

The institute puts together a study twice a year on customer service, in part by looking at the experiences of 10,000 people.

It found that consumers aged 65 and over were “satisfied” with the service they were getting. Whereas it was those aged between 25 and 34 that were the least happy.

Jo Causon, the Institute’s chief executive, said: “The evidence suggests that customers still feel that they are spending too much time and effort dealing with businesses. To turn this around a greater focus should be given to making things easier and less cumbersome for customers,”

“Engagement through digital methods such as email, text, apps and web chat functions have all increased in the last year, and these are the channels through which it is most difficult for customer service staff to show empathy.”

“Organisations therefore need to make sure that their staff are highly engaged and highly skilled, as every customer interaction – regardless of the channel it is on – counts towards business performance.”

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