Home Business Insights & Advice SEO Audit: Four step guide to boost your google ranking today
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SEO Audit: Four step guide to boost your google ranking today

by Sam Edwards
18th May 21 5:47 pm

The world of organic and paid search has changed drastically. The SEO game needs to be on the spot to outperform others. Search Engine Optimisation is an accumulation of techniques, tools, and strategies to increase the number of visitors and rank higher in Google Search. Another feature of SEO is to make the website user-friendly and searchable for end-users.

Continuous audit and creating of valuable content is quite necessary to engage an audience. The auditing can be done using a white label SEO audit tool to improve Google Search rankings too. The failure to do an audit and updating the website content can seriously hurt your SEO and loosing of users/leads. Without wasting much time, let’s check out the 4-step guide.

Get a sound foundation

The best SEO campaigns can get doomed with poor information architecture and website structure. The websites that are difficult for users to navigate and Google to crawl are likely to suffer. Usability and responsiveness on mobile devices must also be kept in mind. You can even get the free SEO audit from SERPWizz that renders an exceptional free SEO audit. Their toolkit helps to measure and track your SEO execution. They offer an easy-to-use white label SEO audit tool for SEO agencies.

Make your blog objective clear

A clear idea and affirmation about your blog objective. Get to know your target audience and their demographic region. This way, the content can be optimised and aligned with those objectives. Along with setting the blog objectives, you must set the audit process too. It will help in measuring future performance. Moreover, your audit process must also include improving your SEO ranking, audience interaction, increasing website traffic, and increasing conversions.

Access your present ranking

Before adopting new SEO strategies, it is necessary to access your present Google rankings. Use tools to know about how your site’s keywords rank, an overview of the site’s traffic, site loading speed, and much more. Find the answer to a few questions related to your site’s conversion, and if there are some cases of customer retention, then how to improve it.

Be ready for mobile-first google

Almost 54.8% of the website traffic globally comes from mobile devices, which showcases that your website must be mobile responsive if you want to rank higher on Google. In 2020, Google shifted to mobile-first indexing, where it looks at the websites as mobile devices. You can even take the mobile-friendly test that offers a seamless way to check whether your website is mobile responsive or not. It will also help in the smooth running of the website.

It shows that using SEO audit will help you manifold to know about the exact performance of your website. If a few features are lacking, you can use the white label SEO audit tool from a reputed company to provide you clear and actionable insights. An in-depth SEO audit will help you to improve your rankings through Search Engine Optimisation.

Author bio

Sam Edwards is a content writer who lives in Tunbridge Wells. He is working for Pearl Lemon Accountants. When he is not writing, he can be found grabbing a coffee or playing guitar.


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