Home Business News Searches for cycling insurance surge by 63% during lockdown

Searches for cycling insurance surge by 63% during lockdown

by LLB Reporter
24th May 20 6:55 am

Online enquiries for cycling insurance have increased by 63% in the two months since UK lockdown measures were introduced, according to new figures.

Searches for the same term have also surged by 51% year-on-year during the period (23rd March – 20th May 2020).

The data, released by specialist cyclist insurance provider, Cycleplan, points to a significant increase in people using bikes to commute, exercise and travel during the coronavirus pandemic, in accordance with government guidelines.

This is undoubtedly a growing trend: Cycleplan’s recent survey found that eight in 10 people have reduced their reliance on cars and public transport during the lockdown and cycled or walked for essential short journeys instead.

But, as the UK hits the two-month lockdown milestone on 23 May, the figures also suggest growing awareness and concern amongst cyclists around the risks associated with travelling on two wheels. This ranges from accidents and injuries to theft, loss and damage to the bike itself.

Moreover, several campaign groups have highlighted that highway infrastructure is currently not equipped to cope with an influx of new cyclists on the roads.

Insurance is therefore a sensible precaution against potential problems – especially ahead of the upcoming long weekend which will almost certainly see many people getting out on their bike.

John Woosey, Cycleplan’s Founder and Managing Director said, “The benefits of cycling for our health (and that of the environment) are numerous. However, millions of people across the UK are now being “actively encouraged” to cycle more. This comes with an element of risk – especially amongst those who may not have cycled regularly, or on busy roads, ever before.

“It’s therefore encouraging to see such an uplift in the amount of people searching for cycling insurance. Specialist policies not only offer cover against issues like injury, damage, loss and theft, but also help to provide much-needed financial peace of mind during this time.”

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