Home Brexit Scottish government can’t accept Brexit deal, says Sturgeon

Scottish government can’t accept Brexit deal, says Sturgeon

by Purvai Dua
27th Nov 18 4:34 pm

In a blow to Theresa May’s Brexit deal, Scotland’s first minister Nicola Sturgeon today announced that no Scottish government could possibly accept a deal which left the country poorer.

Sturgeon said in an interview: “As [our] analysis demonstrates this will make Scotland, and indeed the whole of the UK, poorer.”

Sturgeon added that her Scottish National party’s preferred option was for the whole UK to remain in the EU and the SNP was ready to back a second Brexit referendum.

Sturgeon, according to reports, also condemned May’s withdrawal deal as damaging for Scotland, citing previous Scottish government estimates that replacing membership of the union with a free trade agreement could cost the economy up to £1,600 per person by 2030.

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