Home Business NewsTech News Samsung Galaxy S5: Launch date and features revealed

Samsung Galaxy S5: Launch date and features revealed

by LLB Editor
19th Feb 14 11:21 am

Samsung Galaxy S5 will come with fingerprint senors, according to tech blog Samsung Insiders.

Users of the new phone will be able to unlock the phone by putting their finger on the home button and swiping at a moderate speed. The phone will then display an image of the fingerprint.

Users will also be able to lock apps and other contents on their phones through fingerprint sensors. Upto eight fingerprints can be registered on the phone.

Here’s a list of other specs the phone will include:

1. 5.25-inch screen, bigger than the Samsung Galaxy S4.

2. 3GB of RAM

3. 16-Megapixel camera

4. Iris recognition

5. Two versions of the phone – metal and plastic

6. 4,000MaH battery

The device will be launched at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on February 24.

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