Home Business NewsPolitics News Sadiq Khan calls for a second referendum at Labour party conference

Sadiq Khan calls for a second referendum at Labour party conference

26th Sep 17 2:16 pm

Here’s what was said

London mayor, Sadiq Khan has suggested that the Labour party could call for a second referendum, senior party officials are fighting to have a second EU referendum, Jeremy Corbyn has tried to stop the debate on Brexit at the conference in Brighton.

Khan has said that he wants in the next manifesto to include a second EU referendum vote.

Speaking to the Standard, Khan said it was “possible” the next manifesto will offer voters their choice on whether to accept the terms on leaving.

He said: “I so far have not been persuaded how this government has a plan that works for our country.

“I’d have my tuppence worth as mayor of London.”

The shadow communities’ secretary, Andrew Gwynne who is highly respected by Corbyn said: “Who knows where we will be at the end of this process, at March 2019? Certainly Parliament, at the very least, wants to have that final say over what deal Theresa May comes back with.”

“It may well be that the Government comes back with no deal, and it is Labour Party policy that no deal is the worst possible kind of result for the United Kingdom.

“I think in that event we would have to have a very serious discussion about how we take that forward.”

Labour’s former Scottish leader, Kezia Dugdale said it is vital to keep the faith with public and that a second EU referendum is needed.

Dugdale said to the Daily record, “If the UK Parliament and the other 27 nations of Europe get a final say on the deal, why shouldn’t we?

“No one voted to be poorer but that’s what we’re all going to be. Brexit is spiralling out of control and out of the interests of working people.

“That’s why we the people should take back control with a final vote on the deal.” 

However, it is unlikely that Labour will be in a position to reach a consensus on Brexit in the next six months, John McDonnell, shadow home secretary said.

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