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Ringing the changes in 2020 with BigChange for your business

by Sponsored Content
13th Jan 20 11:46 am

BigChange tackles the one issue that businesses struggle with, head-on: Change. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) of all shapes and sizes routinely face challenges in the cut-throat global economy. From human resource management (recruitment, selection, training and development, and deployment) to customer engagement, from vendors and suppliers to stakeholders at all levels of the organization, challenges abound. The increasing digitization of the global economy has facilitated an era where access to Big Data is readily available at the click of a few buttons. The tools and resources available to today’s business owners differ markedly from the rudimentary systems which populated the global workplace in the days of yore.

While every business targets ROI (return on investment) as one of its premier objectives, many business owners, boardrooms, and managers are reluctant to implement the broad-spectrum change necessary to achieve these pre-stated goals. It can be expensive, time-consuming, and potentially damaging to overhaul an entire system, simply to bring a business up to speed with the exigencies of the modern-day workplace. BigChange services are unique in this regard. The company has expressly designed its powerful solutions for small, medium, and large-sized businesses across the board.

From blue-chip companies to new startups, BigChange offers viable solutions for improving productivity, efficiency of operations, and profitability. Business owners can benefit immeasurably through streamlined processes, up-to-date information, and ready access to valuable data at the click of a button. Many multinational corporations have already harnessed the power of this type of technology, while SMEs with small IT budgets have been left in in their wake.

Now, powerful mobile workforce management systems like BigChange are available to the mass market, and investments in this new technology are already paying dividends. True to form, business owners eschew bait and switch techniques from companies purporting to offer a value-added service at an affordable price. BigChange provides a web-based solution that is fully operational from the get-go. The mobile workforce management software is functional on Android and iOS, PC and Mac, for integrated, synchronized, and synergistic management of all aspects of a business’s operations.

Benefits of implementing BigChange

BigChange eliminates the need for costly, ineffectual paper resources as part of the business management process. Thanks to a powerful tool named JobWatch, businesses are able to implement effective plans, schedule tasks, and track all aspects of a mobile workforce. Among the many aspects covered by JobWatch are reporting and performance, alerts, invoicing and finance-related matters, planning and scheduling, fleet management, customer retention management (CRM) and call handling, messaging and satellite navigation, workflow, health and safety, live tracking, stock management, timesheets and expenses, et al.

All aspects of the JobWatch platform are synergistically managed in one place. By extrapolating important elements from customers, mobile employees and consultants, as well as back-office operations, businesses can enjoy harmony of operations. Business owners, managers, and other stakeholders understand the implications of greater efficiency on day-to-day operations. Improved ROI is a natural byproduct of tools like JobWatch. The ability to increase profitability and drive up revenues, maximize resource utilization, and asset management are but a few of the many powerful benefits of implementing this platform.

Behind-the-scenes, JobWatch is responsible for creating synergy between mobile team members and back-office activity. This increases the amount of billable time in a company, with greater transparency to allow managers to respond quickly and effectively to changes in plans. Remote workers can benefit from the added value of up-to-date information with mobile access to exploded diagrams, manuals, workflows, worksheets, job-histories and other data at their fingertips. All of the time-consuming processes that workers typically engage in (in the absence of high-performance software) are nullified.

The customer relationship management (CRM) software provides detailed information on every customer and contract. By facilitating the availability of data in such a way, accuracy, reliability, and transparency is enhanced. The JobWatch aspect of the BigChange platform makes it easy to create new jobs, with all relevant information included about each job or work order. This can be shared with all team members in real time. The digital database is accessible to customers who can easily manage their own jobs in real-time. The case management functions allow for speedy resolution of customer queries, questions, and complaints as they occur. Given that companies typically deal with large numbers of customers and employees on a day-to-day basis, this platform dramatically reduces errors, allows for updates and alerts, leading to a much lower failure rate.

On the go management of all aspects of business operations

All workflows are template driven, with fully-branded job cards. Customers have instant access to proof of service, and inventories (parts and stock) are easily managed in real time. Viewed in perspective, this value-driven platform allows for rapid responses, simpler quotations and invoicing, and a perfect fit with any SME. The ability to view overarching business activity from above, gives a broad perspective of operations. This eliminates the possibility of getting caught in the minutia, and provides a helicopter perspective of operations.

To cap it off, everything is expressly designed for user-friendliness and ease of operations. The platform is intuitive, with simplicity at the heart of design. Businesses with remote workers and fleets of vehicles can easily implement tracking to ensure that jobs are attended to and employees are on-the-job. Other important metrics like APIs, Big Data, profitability and potential for improvements in performance are easily verified via BigChange’s mobile workforce management platform.

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