Home Business NewsBusiness Richard Branson almost gets killed in cycle crash

Richard Branson almost gets killed in cycle crash

30th Aug 16 11:04 am

The Virgin tycoon is recovering

Richard Branson

Source: Richard Branson

Virgin tycoon escaped death last week after he hurled over the handlebears in a freak bike crash on the British Virgin Islands.

Branson said he thought he was going to die and that wearing a helmet saved him.

The crash left him with badly damaged knees and cuts all over his face and body.

Thankfully, the billionaire is now recovering.

In a blog post he wrote: “I’ve been busy recovering from my recent cycling crash.

“Thanks again for all of the messages from around the world. It really makes a difference knowing that so many people are wishing me well.

“It’s been a quiet few days on Necker Island since the accident, allowing me some very useful rest days, catching up on work and writing.

“I’ve been icing and treating my injuries and the body is recovering very quickly.

“For many months I have been training exceptionally hard for the imminent Virgin Strive Challenge, which starts on September 2nd and 3rd.

“I am in the best shape I have been in for a few years. I’m sure all that training is contributing to my hopefully speedy recovery.”

“Yesterday I took a lengthy stroll around Necker’s island walk, to test out how my injured knee felt. It seems to be OK.

“I also got onto an exercise bike for a gentle cycle and had no adverse effects.

“I even tried out the injured shoulder with a quick hit on the tennis court, only using my uninjured arm – but it’s a little too soon to be playing again yet. I’m missing my two matches per day!

“Most importantly, I no longer have to drink tea out of a straw, and am back up to my usual number of cups a day!

“It’s still touch and go whether I’m going to be able to complete the Virgin Strive Challenge, but I’m certainly hopeful.

“I’m going to do an MRI scan on the knee and shoulder in Switzerland on the way to meeting all of the team.

“Fingers (and cheeks, shoulders and knees!) crossed.”

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