Home Business Insights & Advice Reasons it is important to insulate metal buildings

Reasons it is important to insulate metal buildings

by Sponsored Content
9th Apr 20 10:03 am

Whether you own an existing metal building or you are preparing to build a new one, insulation is an important consideration. Some see insulation as a luxury. The truth is that there are several options available that work with a variety of budgets. Plus, the long-term benefits end up outweighing the short-term costs.

Here are three reasons why it is important to insulate metal buildings.

Save on energy costs

First and foremost, buildings are insulated to cut energy costs. Industry professionals believe that adding this feature to a metal building can cut those costs up to 50%. Suddenly your building has a fortified barrier between the inside and the outdoor elements.

Remain comfortable while inside

Metal buildings act as a conduit for heat during the summer months. In the winter, they trap the cold inside because the heat escapes. Adding a barrier prevents the escape of the heat or cooler air you desire inside. This allows you and your workforce to work in improved conditions.

Inspect the building

You may have a landscaping company that takes care of the exterior of the property. How often do you actually inspect the exterior of the building, though? For that matter, how often is a thorough inspection of the building’s interior conducted? When you hire a contractor to handle the metal building insulation, he is going to inspect the structure. His goal is to find out where leaks are occurring. He also has to determine the best options based on the building’s size and shape. The inspection is an opportunity to find out if the structure has any other potential issues like mold or serious cracks. While this professional is not a specialist in building inspections, he can point out anything that is obvious.

Water, namely moisture, and metal do not go hand in hand. Moisture that remains stagnant tends to lead to rust. Insulation helps prevent the buildup of moisture.

Understand your options

There are several insulation options on the market. Many of those work exceptionally well for metal buildings. Your options include:

  • Loose Fill
  • Batt and Blanket
  • Rigid Board
  • Spray Foam

Each consists of its own benefits.

Loose fill, for example, can be manufactured from recycled materials. So, industry professionals believe that it helps a company score points with the LEED. The material resembles pellets. They are blown into the walls and floor, which can fill hard to reach spots such as corners.

Batt and blanket insulation is the most well-known. It is the most affordable, too. To install, a contractor takes each piece and attaches it to the studs on a wall. This makes this option the most labor-intensive.

Rigid board, on the other hand, is one of the least labor intensive options. It can be cut to customize the desired size for each piece including the thickness.

Spray foam is the most expensive option, but it also tends to cover the most area. It is sprayed onto the wall. Then, the foam expands. It tends to work exceptionally well on metal buildings. Once the foam is set, it insulates. It also creates an air barrier. The air barrier prevents leaks in and out, and that is the ultimate benefit of insulation.

Questions to ask your contractor

As you explore the world of insulation, you are encouraged to hire a contractor. Some questions to ask your contractor are:

  • What insulation products do you offer?
  • Are you licensed?
  • What warranty or guarantee do you offer?
  • Are you insured?

Insulating your metal building offers several benefits. These benefits help extend the lifespan of your structure while cutting energy costs in the long-run.

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