Home Business Insights & Advice Reaching out a hand: Ways to connect during quarantine

Reaching out a hand: Ways to connect during quarantine

by Sponsored Content
17th Aug 20 12:25 pm

Heading into month six of quarantine certainly has some of us feeling down. One of the most pressing issues of this reality is that a lot of folks are unable to spend time with friends and family. While it’s still advised that everyone stay home and maintain social distancing, there are definitely ways to connect with our communities and feel nearer to loved ones until the pandemic is over. So what are some ways to spread cheer to those we can’t be near physically?

Write a letter

There’s nothing like getting a letter from a friend or family member in the mail. In today’s world where most snail mail is either junk or a bill, it warms the heart to see a hand addressed envelope appear. Instead of simply calling, sit down with some stationary or even just a notepad and put thoughts onto paper about how much you care for your loved one. It will make their day to receive some encouragement or kind words from you. There are also a ton of great resources online in case you need a writing prompt to get started. Check out this blog post from Jennie Moraitis for some ideas on what to include in your note.

Send a gift

Want to spread some joy in a more material way? No problem. There are plenty of services out there happy to help you send a gift to your loved one. From chocolates and wine to jewelry and gift cards, there’s no end to the list of goodies that you can have delivered. If you’re looking for a thoughtful gift to brighten someone’s day, flowers delivered by Pearsons Florist could be the way to go. They offer beautiful baskets and arrangements with a same day delivery option. There are even Designs of the Week to help you choose just the right gift for anyone on your list.

Plan a video call

If you’re not looking to send or buy anything but you still want to reach out, video chatting is a great option. It allows you to see your friends and family face to face while still maintaining a safe distance. Schedule a time with your loved one so that they can set aside some time to chat. You can even B.Y.O.B. and have a socially distanced happy hour! There are a lot of free apps out there for video chatting, but Zoom is a great resource if you’re hoping to chat with multiple friends at once. This platform is traditionally geared toward use for business meetings, but there’s no shame in utilizing it for a virtual reunion if you’re missing a sense of community.

These are just a few ideas on how to make someone smile during this difficult time. With a little imagination, you can take these suggestions and personalize them to warm someone’s heart. You may find that reaching out to brighten a day may brighten yours as well. We’re all in this together. Let’s reach out offer a virtual hand until we can be together in person again.

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