Home Business NewsBusiness PwC keeps its role despite Oscar blunder

PwC keeps its role despite Oscar blunder

30th Mar 17 11:19 am

What happened?

The Oscars is set to keep accountancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) despite the best-film mix-up.

PwC has accepted its responsibility for the mistake, it wrongly named La La Land as the winner instead of Moonlight.

The firm has the role of counting the votes and organises the envelopes which get handed out at the ceremony.

Brian Cullinan was the accountant who handed the wrong envelope to actor Warren Beatty.

President, Cheryl Boone Isaacs, said: “From the night of the ceremony through today, PwC has taken full responsibility for the mistake.”

“After a thorough review, including an extensive presentation of revised protocols and ambitious controls, the board has decided to continue working with PwC.”

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