Home Business News Pubs to ‘serve alcohol outside from April’

Pubs to ‘serve alcohol outside from April’

by LLB Politics Reporter
13th Feb 21 11:26 am

The government are accelerating the reopening of the hospitality sector with takeaway pints to be reinstated in April.

A government insider told the Sun newspaper that reopening hospitality is being accelerated to help boost the sector.

It was previously expected that the hospitality sector was to reopen in May, with the rule of six and social distancing will continue throughout the summer.

A Downing Street source said, “We will hopefully be sipping pints in the spring sunshine sooner than later.”

It is expected that the reopening of restaurants and limited indoor mixing in pubs will happen in May.

On Friday, Home Office Minister, Victoria Atkins said that the Prime Minister will make his statement to the House of Commons outlining his roadmap a week on Monday.

Atkins told Sky News, “On February 22 the Prime Minister will make a statement to the House of Commons where he will set out our road map to ease lockdown.”

But on Thursday, the spokesperson said “We’ve been clear we will publish the roadmap on the week of the 22nd.

“We will set out the roadmap that week but you’ve got what we’ve said previously about trying to give schools as much notice as possible and we’ve said we’ll give at least two weeks.”

Mark Harper who chairs the Covid Recovery Group (CRG) warned that it is “crucial we don’t backslide on this.”

Johnson said, “On February 22, I’m going to be setting out a roadmap as far as we’re able to, giving everybody some more clarity, insofar as we can, about how we hope to unlock

“Beginning as you know I am sure with schools, we hope very much, from March 8. ‘But trying to set out the beginnings of a roadmap for the way forward for the whole country.”

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