Home Business News Prototype coronavirus vaccine found for elderly patients

Prototype coronavirus vaccine found for elderly patients

by LLB staff reporter
30th Sep 20 4:54 pm

A prototype coronavirus vaccine has been found to offer elderly patients protection from the virus, according to researchers from Moderna, who are based in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Researchers were reassured by the findings as immunity generally decreases with age and at more risk of serious side effects of the virus.

Two differently sized doses of mRNA-1273, 25 micrograms and 100 micrograms to 40 volunteers aged between 56 and 71-years old and older.

The research showed that if the group had 100mg dose in two injections 28 days apart, this produces similar level of antibodies as the young.

The vaccine is now in its final stage, which will be given to thousands of volunteers.

Tow volunteers suffered with side effects of a fever, and fatigue.

Lead researcher Dr Evan Anderson, from Emory University in Atlanta said, “This is similar to what a lot of older adults are going to experience with the high dose influenza vaccine. They might feel off or have a fever.”

Side effects was shared with the New England Journal of Medicine which also included mild-to moderate issues, body aches and chills, along with headaches and fatigue.

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