Home London NewsCity of London Prince Harry and Meghan ask for charity donations not wedding gifts

Prince Harry and Meghan ask for charity donations not wedding gifts

9th Apr 18 2:40 pm

Also name the seven charities their guests can support

Prince Harry and his fiancée Meghan Markle have asked that anyone who wants to send them a present to mark their wedding next month make a donation to charity instead, his office announced today.

In a statement, Harry’s office said the couple were incredibly grateful for he goodwill they had been shown and “are keen that as many people as possible benefit from this generosity of spirit”.

“The couple have therefore asked that anyone who might wish to mark the occasion considers making a donation to charity, rather than sending a wedding gift,” the statement added.

Harry and Markle — who are set to marry at Windsor Castle on May 19 — have selected seven charities, none of which they have direct links to, which they want people to support.

These include the Children’s HIV Association, the Myna Mahila Foundation which helps women in Mumbai’s slums, the Crisis homelessness charity, conservation group Surfers Against Sewage and Scotty’s Little Soldiers, which supports children who have lost a parent while serving in the British military.

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