Home Business News President Trump has seen evidence Covid-19 started in Wuhan lab

President Trump has seen evidence Covid-19 started in Wuhan lab

by LLB Politics Reporter
1st May 20 6:19 am

The US President Donald Trump said during a White House press briefing that he has seen evidence that coronavirus did start at a Wuhan laboratory.

Trump said China either were unable to stop the spread of Covid-19, or they deliberately let it spread, but he declined to give any specifics.

He confirmed that intelligence agencies in the US are probing the Institute of Virology which is also a Bio-weapons lab in Wuhan, China, and they are “looking at it very, very strongly.”

Trump said, “We’re going to see where it is, we’re going to see where it comes from.

“There’s a lot of theories.”

He added, “China might even tell us.”

A reporter asked if he has seen “anything that gives you a high degree of confidence” the institute in Wuhan, was the origin of the virus.

Trump said, “Yes I have.”

He was then asked what gives him so much confidence, Trump replied, “I can’t tell you that. I’m not allowed to tell you that.”

The Bio-weapons lab in Wuhan dismiss the allegations.

Geng Shuang, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said, “I would like to point out again that the origin of the virus is a complex scientific issue, and it should be studied by scientists and professionals.”

Shuang added, the US should spend their time on “controlling the pandemic at home.”

The acting Director of US National Intelligence Richard Grenell and other US intelligence agencies have confirmed on Thursday, that the US intelligence community, to inclide the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) are now investigating China.

They are particularly focussing their attention to the Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China where it is strongly believed this is where the global pandemic started.

US government and intelligence officials are 100% certain that the Chinese Communist Party covered the outbreak up and went to great lengths sources have claimed.

In a statement from the acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, said, “The entire Intelligence Community (IC) has been consistently providing critical support to US policymakers and those responding to the Covid-19 virus, which originated in China.

“The Intelligence Community also concurs with the wide scientific consensus that the Covid-19 virus was not man-made or genetically modified.

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