Home Brexit Post-Brexit trade deals could create thousands of jobs

Post-Brexit trade deals could create thousands of jobs

4th Jan 17 9:52 am

New jobs on the horizon?

Pro-Brexit campaign group Change Britain has claimed that nearly 400,000 jobs could be created as a result of post-EU trade deals with other countries.

By leaving the EU’s custom union, the UK would be able to negotiate brand new deals with many countries across the world.

Such as the US, India, China, Japan, Canada, Korea and trading blocs in South America and South East Asia.

It said these deals are estimated to bring in a £23bn export boost and 387,580 jobs.

However, opponents dismissed these claims and said it was flawed and misleading.

Pro-EU campaigners said the newly found statistics were based on the assumption of replicating EU deals with other countries that the UK would no longer be a part of.

Change Britain grew out of the vote leave campaign group and are pushing for a “hard Brexit”, this is where the UK pulls out of the single market and the customs union when it leaves the EU.

It says this will give it flexibility when it comes to negotiating the most beneficial trade deals with the rest of the world.

Labour MP Phil Wilson, a supporter of Open Britain, said: “These misleading fantasy figures underline the weakness of the case for leaving the EU,”

“They take no account of the unavoidable costs that would arise and look at the UK’s supposed share from EU trade deals we will not be part of.”

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