Home Breaking Pornography scandal: Theresa May’s deputy sacked for making ‘misleading’ statements

Pornography scandal: Theresa May’s deputy sacked for making ‘misleading’ statements

21st Dec 17 9:10 am

An inquiry found Damian Green had breached the ministerial code

Damian Green, one of Prime Minister Theresa May’s closest allies, has been “asked to quit” from the cabinet after an inquiry found he had made “inaccurate and misleading” statements over what he knew about pornography found on his parliamentary office computer in 2008.

According to BBC’s political editor Laura Kuenssberg, May “had little choice but to ask him to go”. The departure of a close friend has left May a “lonelier figure”.

Green was appointed as first secretary of state six months ago in a bid to shore up May’s premiership. He is now the third cabinet minister to resign within the last two months- after Sir Michael Fallon and Priti Patel.

Green’s future was thrust into doubt when a report in Sunday Times last month stated that police had found pornography on his office computers in 2008. In response, Green said the story was untrue.

A review had then concluded that Green’s statements, that he was not aware of this indecent material on his computers, were “inaccurate and misleading.” and that he had breached rules governing the behavior of ministers.

“I regret that I’ve been asked to resign from the government following breaches of the Ministerial Code, for which I apologise,” Green said in a letter to May, who said she had accepted his resignation with deep regret.

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