Home Business NewsBusiness Poll shows for first time public want a vote on Brexit deal

Poll shows for first time public want a vote on Brexit deal

9th Apr 18 7:31 am

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A Best for Britain poll with YouGov, for the first time shows that the public want a vote on the final Brexit deal. The ‘turning point’ poll shows a decisive 8 point lead for a vote on the terms.

The poll conducted by YouGov for Best for Britain finds that:

  • 44 per cent of people want a ‘final say’ on the Brexit deal that Theresa May is negotiating compared to 36 per cent who do not.
  • Nearly a quarter of Leave voters want a vote on the final terms
  • If there was a public vote on Britain’s membership of the European Union today 44 per cent of people would stay compared to 41 per cent still wanting to leave.

The polling shows for the first time that the public want a vote at the end of the Brexit process in a People’s Vote.  Best for Britain, are campaigning for a referendum on the terms and called the polling a ‘turning point’.

In total 44 per cent of voters want a final say, compared to 36 per cent who do not and 19 per cent were not sure.  Nearly a quarter of leave voters (23 per cent), in the poll of 813 respondents said they would like a vote on the terms. 2 in 10 Conservative voters agreed as did two thirds of Labour voters (66 per cent).

When asked a separate question: If there was a public vote on Britain’s membership of the European Union, how would you vote? 44% of voters said they would like to remain. Five per cent of Leave voters said that they had changed their mind and would now like to stay within the European Union. A further 12 per cent of Leave voters either would not vote (3 per cent) or now don’t know (9 per cent).

Commenting on the polling results, CEO of Best for Britain Eloise Todd said:

“The possibility of Brexit is sharpening the British public’s minds, and now there is a decisive majority in favour of a final say for the people of our country on the terms of Brexit. This poll is a turning point moment.

“The only democratic way to finish this process is to make sure the people of this country – not MPs across Europe- have the final say, giving them an informed choice on the two options available to them: the deal the government brings back and our current terms. 

“We now need MPs across Parliament, from Corbyn’s front bench to the moderates of the Conservative party to do what’s best for Britain and back a people’s vote on the terms.”

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