Home Business News PM warned ‘ice rinks’ might have to be used for dead bodies

PM warned ‘ice rinks’ might have to be used for dead bodies

by LLB staff reporter
1st Nov 20 2:14 pm

It has been alleged that Boris Johnson agreed to the second lockdown after being told that ice rinks will have to be used to store dead bodies.

The Prime Minister was told that the second wave will be “twice as bad as the first” which could see 85,000 deaths this winter.

Sir Simon Steven the boss of the NHS has detailed plans which includes putting dead bodies in “ide Rinks.”

An aide who present at a meeting of the government’s SAGE advisory committee said how they “could have wept, it was so awful.”

The aide told the Mail on Sunday, “The PM was given hard facts about real people in hospital beds, and the debate was effectively over.

“He was told how many hospitalisations were already baked-in to the projections due to the steep rise in infections.”

The aide revealed that the death toll could rise by as much as 4,000 deaths each day within the next 2 months and hospitals will become “overwhelmed.”

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