Home Brexit Philip Hammond to lead UK trade mission to India next week

Philip Hammond to lead UK trade mission to India next week

2nd Apr 17 5:55 pm

Here is what’s happening

The chancellor Philip Hammond will lead a business delegation to India to bring in trade next week as the UK starts its two-year process of leaving the EU.

Mark Garnier the international trade minister along with Mark Carney the governor for the Bank of England and Baroness Neville-Rolfe the commercial secretary will be joining Hammond for the trade talks in Mumbai and New Delhi.

Also joining will be a few of the UK’s experienced leaders in technology and financial services.

Hammond said: “The UK is perfectly placed to be India’s financial partner of choice, helping it to raise the finance needed for its continued rapid growth and my message will be ‘make in India, finance in the UK.”

“Our innovative markets have helped support the development of whole new product classes such as masala bonds that will support India’s transformation.”

The UK has not been and it is still not able to sign any trade deals whilst still being a member of the Bloc.

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