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Order! George Osborne pulls pints in Parliament

12th Jun 13 10:57 am

The Chancellor took a turn behind the bar to promote his local “Pennies from 11” brew

MPs and parliamentary staff looking to relax after work on Tuesday night over a pint got a special surprise when Chancellor George Osborne decided to serve drinks

The Chancellor pulled pints for punters in order to promote a local brew from his Tatton constituency, “Pennies from 11”. The pint brought Parliamentarians together – even Labour deputy chairman Tom Watson couldn’t resist enjoying a glass.

 The Tatton pint has been stocked in Parliament’s Strangers’ Bar as a guest drink. It was produced by the Tatton Brewery to celebrate the Chancellor’s decision to slash a penny off beer duty at his last Budget.

Treasury minister Sajid Javid was also pulling pints last night to promote his “Sajid’s Choice” brew, made specially in his Bromsgrove seat.

At the time of both brews’ unveiling, Keith Bott, President of the Society of Independent Brewers, said:  “There is surely no better way to celebrate the duty cut than with a pint of British beer.

“We’re delighted that Tatton and Bird’s have brewed these commemorative ales to thank their MPs and we urge licensees and beer drinkers in Tatton and Bromsgrove to celebrate with a glass of Pennies From 11 or Sajid’s Choice.”

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