Home Business NewsBusiness Only 1 in 4 UK employees satisfied with current job roles

Only 1 in 4 UK employees satisfied with current job roles

by LLB Reporter
12th Dec 18 1:56 pm

A survey of over 2,000 UK participants commissioned by Charles Towers-Clark, Author of The Weird CEO: How to lead in a world dominated by Artificial Intelligence, Group CEO of global IoT provider Pod Group, and international lecturer on the future of work, has revealed that only 1 in 4 UK employees (25%) are satisfied in their current job roles.

Of those surveyed nationally, Northern Irish employees were the most satisfied with their current job (33.1%), compared with 21.3% in Wales, 17.8% in Scotland and a mere 13.7% in England who felt fulfilled at work. Despite the significant regional disparities however, the survey only revealed a small percentage difference in workplace satisfaction between men (24.9%) and women (22.6%).

The most common reason for not feeling completely fulfilled at work amongst men and women was deemed to be lack of fairness in levels of pay, with 6.7% of men and 5.5% of women citing this as the primary cause of their discontent.

The survey’s results were one of a number of 2,000-strong surveys recently commissioned by Towers-Clark, which form the basis of a comprehensive examination of UK-wide attitudes to workplace matters, in tandem with the launch of his first book, The WEIRD CEO: How to lead in a world dominated by Artificial Intelligence.

The four nationwide surveys concerning the workplace also revealed the following findings:

  • 80% of employees in Scotland felt that their bosses didn’t care about them, with the situation marginally better in Northern Ireland where 70% felt the same;
  • Though only 11.4% of respondents working in England admitted to pulling a sickie to avoid their boss, 15.4% of Northern Irish employees confessed to having done this;
  • And, finally, a staggering 37-38% of employees in Northern Ireland and Wales have had to take time off work due to stress. This is compared with 26-29% of employees in England and Scotland.

Charles Towers-Clark comments: “Employers are severely lacking the ability to motivate their workforce. People are an organisation’s most valuable asset, but by not giving them significant responsibility or decision making power, business owners and managers are setting themselves up for failure.

A healthy workforce is one in which everyone takes pride and ownership in the work they do. In the future, when AI not only challenges humans’ job roles, but also entire business sectors, the first companies to go will be those employees who haven’t worked within the right framework to ensure they care about what they do.”

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