Home Business NewsBusiness One third of pensioners expect the state to cough up for their care

One third of pensioners expect the state to cough up for their care

24th May 17 12:48 pm

Here’s what the survey revealed

Millions of people aged 65+ do not expect to pay for the cost of their own care when they reach the end of their lives say the new Stannah Silver Census.

Against the backdrop of Theresa May’s proposal to enable more people to pay to receive care in their own homes, it has been revealed that one in three people aged 65+ expect the government to ultimately take responsibility for the cost.

There exists a massive ‘reality gap’ in where pensioners expect their care to be, with 62 per cent saying they expect to be cared for in their own homes, by a partner, relative or social carer, despite a separate survey by UK Homecare Association, showing only 382,000 people received state-funded care at home.

The Stannah Silver Census, a bi-annual nationwide survey, questions 1,000 adults aged 65+ to provide a finger on the pulse of an oft-overlooked segment of British society. The research also found that:

  • 51 per cent are worried about where they will live in later life and of these, 1 in 4 (27 per cent) say this is because they are worried the state won’t provide for their care needs.
  • Almost a quarter (24 per cent) of people have made changes to their homes to enable them to stay in them for longer
  • Only 5 per cent would prefer to be cared for in a relative’s home with their family offering care in the later years of their life

Commenting on the research, Patrick Stannah, managing director at Stannah Stairlifts, said: “Whilst Theresa May’s recent clarification on a cap on lifetime care costs will be a relief to many, it still leaves a gap between reality and expectations, with one in three people aged 65+ presuming the state will fund their care.”

“Our research has shown that, by far, most people would prefer to be cared for in their own homes. It therefore seems irrational that we should make the majority choose between feeling comfortable in their later years and leaving a legacy for the next generation.”

“We understand that enabling people to stay in their homes is the best solution for all, providing greater comfort and lessening the financial burden on the state. For this reason, whoever wins the election must find a way to make it an easy choice for everyone.”

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