Home Business NewsBusiness One in four less likely to visit US after the election result

One in four less likely to visit US after the election result

11th Nov 16 11:15 am

Would you still visit the US?

A poll completed by research experts, Consumer Intelligence shows that 27 per cent of adults are less likely to go on holiday to the US after the election results.

However, the remaining 68 per cent of adults surveyed said the result would not affect future holiday plans.

The result has proven to be a relief to some, the pound which fell dramatically against the dollar after the Brexit vote has recovered slightly to $1.24 compared with $1.21.

A total of 3.5m visitors take to the US every year for a holiday, the states are the fifth most popular destination for UK residents. The top four holiday destinations for UK tourists are Spain, France, Italy and Ireland.

Ian Hughes, Chief Executive of Consumer Intelligence said: “The US will remain a popular destination for UK tourists and businesses but it is clear the election result has produced strong reactions here and in the States.”

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