Home Business NewsBusiness One in five UK workers would take a pay cut to work from home

One in five UK workers would take a pay cut to work from home

18th May 18 1:18 pm

New report shows on National Work form Home Day

Three-quarters of office workers in the UK prefer to work from home and only 20% want to work from a company office all the time, according to a new report from business communications platform provider Fuze.

Fuze surveyed 1,060 office workers from UK organisations (with more than 500 employees) for its Workforce Futures report. The research reveals workers have a strong preference to be able to work from home, with 40% willing to take on a higher workload to gain greater flexibility. One in five would also take a pay cut or a demotion.

Cultural issues are perceived as a challenge to being able to work outside of the company office, with 45% of UK workers saying that remote working is not championed by executives and working from home is viewed negatively by colleagues.

A significant majority of UK workers (86%) say that given the right technology they could work productively outside of the office, yet 40% say the technology they are given to work from home isn’t currently good enough or doesn’t work effectively.

“The fact that employees would be open to pay cuts for greater flexibility goes to show how vitally important this issue is to today’s workers,” said Colin Doherty, CEO at Fuze. “Many UK-based companies are still not championing flexibility for employees, which can negatively impact churn and productivity. Remote working and open cultures offer employees with the flexibility they are looking for, while increasing their motivation and productivity to benefit the business.” 

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