Home Business Insights & Advice Novel ideas for using personalised stickers to grow brand awareness

Novel ideas for using personalised stickers to grow brand awareness

22nd Feb 18 5:21 pm

Branding ideas

If you are wondering how to increase brand awareness for your business, have you considered using personalised stickers? Whether you choose to use your company logo alone or a logo accompanied by a cute image or tagline, custom stickers are effective. Just remember that when creating your stickers, the design is a major factor.

You want people to notice the sticker so that it leaves an indelible image somewhere in the back of their minds. Call it subliminal advertising if you will, but the idea of sticker printing as a marketing strategy has proven time and again to be highly effective. Here are some novel ways in which you can use custom stickers for your next marketing campaign.

Instant recognition in packaging

How many times have you received a package in the mail or brought a bag home from a shop that was taped or stapled shut? Takeaway dinners are usually packaged that way but with custom stickers, they need to peel that sticker away to open up the bag. They may not realise it at the moment, but a cute and striking sticker will remain embedded in their subconscious and the next time they want to order a takeaway, your restaurant will come to mind. Subliminal messages in adverts is not a new concept, but it lives on because it works!

Design stickers to be kept

When you design and print stickers, why not use a cute little picture or a meme along with your logo, so they will be kept. Some people carefully peel back the stickers to hang on refrigerators or calendars simply because they are so attractive. It is especially effective to use this strategy if you sell household items or products. By designing stickers meant to be kept, you are keeping your company in visual sight every time that customer walks by the place where they’ve stuck the sticker. That’s a tongue twister, isn’t it?

Use QR Codes directed at your website

One of the most recent developments in using stickers to grow brand awareness is to include a QR code, which consumers can scan with their mobile phones. Not only have you designed a sticker that attracts attention, but you are giving them a way to learn a little more about your company. By this point in time, most consumers who carry smartphones know what QR codes are and access websites with them regularly.

As part of a giveaway promotion

The next time you order cheap items to use as promotional giveaways, also consider cheap sticker printing to use in conjunction with that campaign. Not only will potential buyers be getting a free gift but they will also be getting a sticker they can use to refer back to you if necessary. Perhaps this kind of sticker should include at least a company name and logo or a web address so that they can find you to see what your company is all about. Everyone likes to get something for nothing and so your promo gift with a sticker seals the deal.

Sticker sets as giveaways

Speaking of giveaways, one innovative thing you can do is design sticker sets to give away to kids. Whether you are in the business of working with children or have clients with small children at home, it’s always nice to do something for the little people. Custom kids’ stickers you can print online are an amazing way to recognise something special in the lives of our clients – their children. Use them when kids come into your store or clinic as a reward for good behaviour, or simply to give them something that will brighten their day. Stickers are always a nice touch and should be designed specifically with your niche in mind.

Logo mailing labels

Some businesses use their company’s logo on mailing labels and return address stickers. When used on a mailing label, it can either be prominently displayed or even used as a watermark softly set in the background behind the address. It’s amazing just how creative you can be with stickers. For those who send out correspondence regularly, use them as an extra sealer on the back of the envelope, in much the same way as kings would set their royal seal in wax. Stickers can be so much fun, even in a professional setting.

It is fast and easy to create your own custom stickers once you get used to the online templates you will be working with. With a free sticker template used in conjunction with free logo templates, you can create stickers to use in various ways, but always with the intent of increasing brand awareness. The object is to create a design to be remembered, and that may be the trickiest part of all. Those online templates are user-friendly, so start with an idea and the rest should be a piece of cake.

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