Home Business Insights & Advice Nine simple things everyone should know about CBD oil this year

Nine simple things everyone should know about CBD oil this year

by Sponsored Content
26th Jul 19 1:49 pm

CBD oil is more than just the latest craze. It’s appearing in shops and online stores all over the country.

But there still remains a lot of uncertainty around it.

What exactly is CBD oil? Is it legal? What does it do?

These are the types of questions that this article is going to answer. By the end, you will have a basic understanding of why it is attracting so much attention.

Here are 9 simple things everyone should know about CBD oil this year.

Starting with…

1. What is CBD Oil?

CBD oil is a concentrated liquid from the marijuana plant.

It is similar to other herbal extracts and the chemicals in the CBD oil varies based on how the extract was created and whether there were any other chemicals in the plant.

Standard cannabis plants produce hundreds, if not thousands, of different chemical compounds but the most well-known and studied is the ‘cannabinoid’.

There are lots of cannabinoids but the most recognized among consumers are CBD and THC.

2. Does CBD Oil get you high?

No, CBD does not get you high. In fact, it has a completely different effect on the body entirely.

For this reason, CBD makes for an attractive supplement. Consumers can experience the benefits of the cannabis plant without getting high.

It’s the other common cannabinoid, THC, that has psychoactive effects.

3. Is CBD Oil legal?

This is one of the most commonly asked questions about CBD oil. However, the answer is a bit of a gray area.

The 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp and hemp-derived products on a federal level. This resulted with the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) removing CBD oil from hemp from Schedule 1 controlled substances list.

Here’s where it gets confusing.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has only legalized CBD oil for the treatment of a rare form of epilepsy.

Therefore, they still consider is illegal to sell as a supplement for any other purpose. They want more time and information on CBD to consider how to regulate it.

4. Is CBD safe?

While the FDA has made it clear they need more time to study it, the World Health Organization has stated that CBD oil is safe for consumption.

5. Why do people use CBD Oil?

There have been many studies that suggest CBD oil has a number of health benefits.

Firstly, this study found that topical application of CBD could potentially relieve chronic pain and inflammation caused by arthritis:

“These studies demonstrate transdermal administration of CBD has long-lasting therapeutic effects without psychoactive side-effects. Thus, use of topical CBD has potential as effective treatment of arthritic symptomatology.”

Another study published in Neurotherapeutics suggests that CBD oil can help reduce the effects of anxiety and improve mental health:

“Preclinical evidence conclusively demonstrates CBD’s efficacy in reducing anxiety behaviors relevant to multiple disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder (PD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social anxiety disorder (SAD), and obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD)… with a lack of anxiogenic (anxiety-producing) effects, minimal sedative effects, and an excellent safety profile.”

Finally, there is promising progress being made that suggests CBD oil can help fight against cancer.

However, though the signs are looking good, more research is needed to confirm the benefits.

6. What are the side effects of CBD Oil?

Another important question.

With all the excitement around its benefits, it’s important to be aware of the potential side effects.

CBD affects other organs as well as the brain so those that are sensitive to CBD may experience other symptoms, such as increased heart rate, lower blood pressure, redness in the eyes and decreased digestion.

There is not so much of a risk of becoming addicted to CBD but there is the possibility of developing a tolerance to it.

There is also the possibility of developing withdrawals if a user stops taking CBD. Signs of withdrawals include becoming more irritable, restless sleep and insomnia or nausea.

For anyone considering using CBD oil, read the ingredients carefully. This especially important for anyone that plans to use CBD oil at the same time as other medications.

If you plan on using CBD oil for the first time, start with one drop a day of, for example, PureKana CBD oil (check these PureKana reviews to find out more about this specific CBD oil provider).

7. How do you take CBD Oil?

According to Kyro, most CBD oil is taken orally or through topical applications.

In terms of taking it orally, you can buy CBD gummies or through vaping.

You can also take it with food so it can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream. It’s best to take it with healthy fats as CBD is fat-soluble.

In terms of taking it topically, there are companies that sell creams and lotions containing CBD Oil. It absorbs into the skin, making it suitable for treating inflammation and pain relief.

8. How can you influence the effects of CBD Oil?

The bigger the dose, the more efficient it absorbs into the bloodstream, leading to stronger feelings of the effects.

It’s also worth noting that liquids are far easier for the body to absorb than solids. Therefore, for anyone looking for a fast hit of CBD might be better off with CBD oil drops rather than gummies.

Another factor to consider is how full (or empty) your stomach is when you ingest CBD oil. Full stomachs make it easier to absorb CBD.

9. How much CBD Oil should you take?

Dosage changes on an individual basis. Depending on your tolerance, you may feel the effects after only one or two drops. Note that there has been no evidence to date that suggests large doses have a negative impact either.

If you plan on using CBD oil for the first time, start with one drop a day.

If you don’t feel anything, increase the dosage little by little until you start experiencing the effects; the most common being feeling ache and pain relief over your entire body.


These nine simple things should give you a basic understanding of CBD oil, such as what it is, where it comes from and how you can benefit from using it. There is a lot to be excited about, with lots more information bound to come in the near future.

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