Home Brexit Nicola Sturgeon says PM has no chance of passing Brexit deal

Nicola Sturgeon says PM has no chance of passing Brexit deal

by LLB Politics Reporter
15th May 19 2:42 pm

Scotland’s first minister, Nicola Sturgeon has said that Theresa May has no chance of getting her Brexit deal passed in parliament.

Sturgeon was asked is she believes May will secure support to pass the deal at the end of June vote.

She said, “It doesn’t look to me as if she has any chance of getting it through because nothing has changed.

“She hasn’t made any progress in the last few weeks and it seems to me to be more about preserving her own party than doing what is right for the country.

“The SNP will vote against it because that would take Scotland out of the EU, out of the single market, out of the customs union and that’s not in Scotland’s interests.

“If you want to continue to send a message that Scotland’s place is at the heart of Europe, then voting SNP [at the EU Parliamentary election] and strengthening our hand in that is the way to do it.”

Sturgeon was speaking after a meeting with EU nationals at Glasgow university.

She said, “The EU nationals, people who make a contribution to Scotland, who consider Scotland their home are being treated appallingly and being subjected to huge uncertainty for them and their families.

“My message to them is that they are welcome here, we want them to stay in Scotland and this is their home.

“We’re optimistic, we’re aiming to win these elections and we’re aiming to use these elections, hopefully with the support of people across Scotland, to send a very clear, simple and unequivocal message from Scotland, which is Scotland wants to stay at the heart of Europe, we don’t support Brexit and we want an end to the Westminster chaos that is doing so much damage.

“And the way to send that clear, unequivocal message is to vote SNP and then we send it loudly and clearly.”

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