Home Business Insights & Advice New government scheme forces businesses to pay for recycling

New government scheme forces businesses to pay for recycling

by Sponsored Content
3rd Oct 19 4:28 pm

The English Government is trying to tackle the problem of enormous waste in an interesting way. It includes business having to pay for their recycling or waste packaging. Currently, taxpayers are the ones who pay to process the rubbish, while supermarkets and big corporations amount to 10% of them.

The newest government strategy will mean that those who are responsible for the creation of waste will legally have to pay for its disposal. Additionally, higher fees will be implemented for the type of waste which is hard to recycle or dispose of.

Government officials say that this is a favorable tactic which will create a more sustainable design. It will also create additional funds which will enable further recycling opportunities. Furthermore, Rubbish2Go, a well-known waste clearance company from London, actually supports this idea. It will not affect their business in any sort of way but it will bring forth to a much cleaner future, as more product will get to be recycled properly.

The idea is for this plan to become official by 2023. As for now, there haven’t been any new strategies introduced on this matter for over a decade, so an overhaul was long due. One of the reasons for working on this now is due to heavy criticism on the government’s waste removal management. Many people are concerned about pollution in England, especially because of the fact that plastic recycling has not been going to plan so far. Due to Brexit, additional problem shave emerged with shipping plastic and recyclable waste to other European countries.

Additionally, the new strategy will also come with some other perks. For instance, weekly food collections for every home will be provided and clearer packaging labels will be made to help people better understand what and how to recycle. This will further separate the UK from being a “throw-away” society.

There are some concerns as this new strategy will impact smaller businesses in a devastating way. Some alleviations will surely have to be made in order for it to be fair to everybody. However, there will be no stepping back when it comes to dangerous and hazardous material. All companies which produce this type of waste will have to pay the full cost of disposing of it properly.

The government came under scrutiny after not adding a latte levy to cup waste when the new budget was announced. Another point missing was the tax on the packaging with low levels of recycled content. Additionally, the planned plastic bottle deposit return scheme which was supposed to take effect in 2018 will be pushed further to 2023 while the problem of textile ending up on landfills will be resolved even further down the line.

There are some other proposals which were supposed to stop illegal waste shipment via electronic tracking. There have even been some additional reports that have recently emerged that certain rubbish which has been sent overseas for recycling has ended up on landfills. Even worse, some of it has even endued up in countries with bad records for pollution. Waste crime is a whole new thing apparently and many bad people are trying to take advantage of it.

All in all, the newest scheme proposed by the Government will resolve certain issues and develop further certain projects related to recycling. However, all those projects still need to be finished to the fullest and not left in the dirt without a change of it being finished. If we are to hope for a clean future, we need to start making our promises.

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