Home Brexit MPs want to see Brexit White Paper

MPs want to see Brexit White Paper

25th Jan 17 11:21 am

What happens now?

MPs would like to see the government publish its plan for Brexit in a formal document.

Many Conservatives have joined Labour in asking for the White Paper on the new negotiating objectives. They believe it will help a fuller debate.

The news comes after the Supreme Court ruled that MPs must get a say on whether the government can start Brexit.

MPs wants to see the government policy document on Brexit released in the next coming days.

Labour has warned it is prepared to engage in “hand-to-hand combat” to ensure the process of leaving the EU is fully scrutinised.

The party has said it won’t vote against a parliamentary bill invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty but will try to amend it.

The chairman of Vote Leave Watch, Labour MP Chuka Umunna, told Sky News: “Parliament is free to add amendments to the Article 50 Bill and the Great Repeal Bill to make sure it delivers, whether they voted Leave or Remain.”

“So, I would like to see, for example, a commitment to put £350m a week into the NHS that Boris Johnson, Priti Patel, Liam Fox and Chris Grayling committed to during the referendum campaign.”

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