Home Business News Move over London: Liverpool is the UK’s number one night-time economy

Move over London: Liverpool is the UK’s number one night-time economy

by LLB staff reporter
20th Jul 23 6:34 am

Data from Square reveals the cities with the busiest share of consumers throughout the night, as well as year-on-year growth on the UK’s night-time economy.

Whether it’s the impact of the rising cost-of-living, the sluggish economy, or the drop in retail spending – it’s clear that consumers are starting to change the way they spend.

While many reports point to a decline in revenue, new research from Square highlights that there’s one thing consumers aren’t willing to give up: a good night out.

Our research reveals year-on-year growth in the night-time economy. In much of the UK, night-time spending is higher now than it was before the pandemic. The research examined spending amongst some of the UK’s liveliest cities, including London, Bristol, Liverpool and Birmingham.

It would seem that the residents of Liverpool, which showed a 40% share of in-person payments being made between 7pm and 4am in the first half of 2023, are the most fond of hitting the town at night. Birmingham came in second at 37%, with London standing in third place at 35%.

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