Home Lifestyle News Motorways cause London motorists confusion ahead of driving test changes

Motorways cause London motorists confusion ahead of driving test changes

3rd Nov 17 10:44 am

46 per cent of London motorists think people drive too fast

A new study released today from Co-op Insurance reveals a need for greater education on motorways for new drivers, as a third (34 per cent) of London motorists say they’ve no idea what the speed limit on motorways is. 

Despite this lack of knowledge, almost half (46 per cent) of motorists believe that people drive too fast on motorways.

Furthermore, two fifths (43 per cent) of motorists think you can only drive on the motorway if aged 18 or over and a further 10 per cent think drivers need to be aged 21. 

Highlighting a lack of knowledge in relation to the Highway Code more generally, two fifths (44 per cent) of London motorists incorrectly think that HGVs and motorists pulling trailers can use the right hand lane which is against the law. 

A fifth (20 per cent) of drivers don’t know that it’s illegal to use the hard shoulder in a non-emergency.

Furthermore, when tested, four fifths (85 per cent) of motorists cannot identify what motorways signs signify, further highlighting the importance of motorway education.

Nick Ansley, Head of Motor at Co-op Insurance commented: “It’s worrying that a third of drivers in our capital don’t know what speed they should be driving on UK motorways and that there is confusion among so many drivers about what age you need to be in order to drive on a motorway. 

“Our study highlights further why it’s so important that learners are educated when learning to drive on motorways to ensure that they are other motorists are safe on motorways.”

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