Home Business News More blood clot deaths in UK after people had Oxford vaccine

More blood clot deaths in UK after people had Oxford vaccine

by LLB staff reporter
3rd Apr 21 1:39 pm

More people have died in the UK from rare blood clots after receiving the Oxford AztraZeneca vaccine.

Despite this that Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA) insist that the vaccine is safe and the type of blood clot risk is “very small.”

Seven people have died in the UK after receiving the Oxford vaccine and the MHRA are insisting people should continue to take the vaccine.

The health regulator have identified 30 cases of rare blood clots after the receiving the vaccine out of 18.1m doses up to 24 March.

The MHRA said there have been 22 reports of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis along with a further eight reports of other thrombosis deaths who had low platelets, and that “sadly seven had died,” the BBC was told.

The MHRA’s chief executive, Dr June Raine said, “The benefits of Covid-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca in preventing Covid-19 infection and its complications continue to outweigh any risks and the public should continue to get their vaccine when invited to do so.”

Professor Adam Finn, from the University of Bristol said, “The report states that these cases are being very carefully investigated to better understand whether or not they may have any causal relationship with vaccination.

“Nevertheless, the extreme rarity of these events in the context of the many millions of vaccine doses that have been administered means that the risk-benefit decision facing people who are invited to receive Covid-19 vaccines is very straight forward: receiving the vaccine is by far the safest choice in terms of minimising individual risk of serious illness or death.”

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