Home Business NewsBusiness Millions of Volvic water bottles are being recalled in Japan

Millions of Volvic water bottles are being recalled in Japan

2nd May 17 10:30 am

What happened?

Around 3.7m bottles of Volvic mineral water are being recalled in Japan due to the fear that some plastic pieces have been found in some of the firm’s products.

Local distributor, Kirin Beverage said that part of the bottling-filling machine in a French Volvic Factory had been damaged, and had fallen into the water container.

Kirin apologised for the incident, it also stated that there have been no reports of any health problems.

The voluntary recall applies to any 500ml plastic PET bottles of Volvic, these have an expiry date of October 2019.

This water was distributed across Japan, this is with the exception of Kyushu and Okinawa.

Kirin said: “Although black plastic pieces’ float on the liquid surface, there is a possibility of injuring the oral cavity when you put it in your mouth without noticing it.” 

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