Home Business NewsPolitics News Miliband's last resort to become PM: a coalition with Lib Dems

Miliband's last resort to become PM: a coalition with Lib Dems

by LLB Editor
5th May 15 9:35 am

The Labour leader is trying to woo Lib Dems

Labour leader Ed Miliband is trying to do everything it takes to become Britain’s next prime minister.

Last week, he charmed Russell Brand to get him to endorse him.

This week, he’s trying to woo the Lib Dems to help him form a minority government.

According to the Daily Telegraph, senior Labour figures believe that joining forces with Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg might help Miliband become prime minister.

A deal with the Lib Dems would also help lessen the Labour party’s reliance on the SNP.

Henry McLeish, Scotland’s former first minister and a Labour party member, said that Miliband will “obviously” consider speaking to other parties should we have a hung parliament.

On BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Miliband refused to speculate about the election outcome but said that there would be no form of “agreement” with the SNP.

Miliband said: “If you want to get the constitutionalists on to talk to you about the constitution … you said it wasn’t speculation, it absolutely is speculation.”

David Cameron, on the other hand, said that voting for Clegg could lead to Ed Miliband becoming Prime Minister.

He said: “We’ve got to be really clear with people. If you prefer me as your Prime Minister to Ed Miliband, then you’ve got to vote Conservative.

“If you vote Liberal Democrat, you could end up with Ed Miliband. Nick Clegg has told us this weekend he’s just as likely to support a Labour government, backed by the SNP, as to back the Conservatives.

“If I’m your preferred prime minister don’t vote Liberal Democrat, you could get Ed Miliband. Don’t vote Ukip, you could get Ed Miliband. Don’t vote Labour, you will definitely get Ed Miliband.”


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