Home Business NewsBusiness May pledges extra £2bn a year for scientific research and development by 2020

May pledges extra £2bn a year for scientific research and development by 2020

21st Nov 16 11:11 am

The PM’s latest plans

The Prime Minister, Theresa May, has begun talks at the Confederation of British Industry’s annual conference where she is setting out the aim to put a post-Brexit UK at the “cutting edge”.

May will pledge an extra £2bn a year on funding for scientific research and development by 2020.

This will be a new fund to tackle robotics and biotechnology and will help commercialise any new discoveries.

Delegates will want to see May offer “clarity” over Brexit.

The talks to CBI come just two days before the government delivers this year’s Autumn Statement.

May wants to see a new approach when it comes to intervening in the economy.

Speaking about the new fund, she will say: “Britain has firms and researchers leading in some of the most exciting fields of human discovery.

“We need to back them and turn research strengths into commercial success.”

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