Home Business News Man arrested after attempting to ram his car into a crowd outside a Mosque in Paris

Man arrested after attempting to ram his car into a crowd outside a Mosque in Paris

30th Jun 17 7:43 am

Here’s what happened.

French Police have confirmed Thursday evening, that a man attempted to ram his 4×4 vehicle into a crowd of people at a Mosque in a south-eastern Paris suburb called, Creteil.

French Police have released this statement:

The statement released by police reads: “An individual driving a 4×4 vehicle hit cones and barriers placed to protect the mosque of Créteil.

“Failing to pass the obstacles, the driver of the vehicle continued to race, crashed into a median, and then fled.

“There were no wounded among the worshipers.

“The driver and owner of the vehicle was arrested.”

Police confirmed no one was injured as the barriers prevented the vehicle from entering the crowd.

The man’s motive is unclear at this stage, and the police said in their statement that the vehicle. repeatedly struck the blocks and barriers placed to protect the mosque,” but to no avail.



This map posted on Twitter show’s where Creteil is within Paris:

Michel Delpuech the French police chief, said in a statement that I, “strongly condemns these events” and has pledged to do everything possible within the investigation in order “to clarify the driver’s motivation and determine his criminal responsibility.”

Le Parisien newspaper has reported that the suspect is of Armenian origin and allegedly wanted to “avenge the Bataclan and Champs-Elysees [attacks].”

The Bataclan massacre took place on Friday, 13 November, 2015 after a black Volkswagen Polo pulled up outside the Bataclan concert hall at 20:40 GMT, three heavily armed gunmen got out and within three hours they were killed. 90 people were killed that evening and many were critically injured.

Only last week, a rented van attacked worshippers at Finsbury Park mosque, London leaving one person dead and 10 injured.

The suspect in the attack was, 47-year-old Darren Osborne, from Cardiff in Wales, it was reported that he allegedly shouted: “I want to kill all Muslims, I did my bit,” immediately after he had mowed down the group. He was later charged with terrorism-related murder and attempted murder.


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