Home Business NewsBusiness Malaysian conglomerate eyes UK assets following Brexit

Malaysian conglomerate eyes UK assets following Brexit

27th Jun 16 11:15 am

Today’s big deal

YTL Corp, the Malaysian conglomerate, is looking to acquire infrastructure assets in the UK following the Brexit vote late last week.

YTL Corp’s managing director Francis Yeoh says that the group would be on the lookout for acquisitions in the next three years due to the bargains available following the Brexit vote. “Assets are already more realistically priced, this time by default rather than design,” Yeoh says. “We have always loved assets like utilities that are long term. Investors like myself buy long-term businesses.”

The Malaysian conglomerate has MYR 13.5bn (US$3.3bn) in cash for the proposed acquisitions.

While Brexit may prompt overseas companies to avoid investing in the UK, Yeoh sees it as an unprecedented opportunity to snap up assets at cheaper prices.

This story first appeared on Acquisitions Daily, a leading publication that provides critical comment, analysis and statistics on every important issue in acquisitions, mergers and buyouts. Sign up here for a free trial.

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